DEAR HARRIETTE: My mother is getting up in age. While she is managing OK, I worry that my children don’t spend enough time with her. We live several hours away, and what with sports and school and such, we see her only a few times a year. I try to get them to call her, but their lives are busy and filled with other priorities. I really want them to make time to connect with her. I got her a cellphone, and I FaceTime her weekly. I want them to join in. How can I get them to do it? -- Connect to Grandma, Richmond, Virginia
DEAR CONNECT TO GRANDMA: Add the call to Grandma to your weekly schedule. Make sure your children know what time it will be. If you schedule it around a meal that everyone attends, it will be easiest. Encourage your children to share tidbits about their lives with her, things that she can share with her friends. Grandparents love to have bragging rights. If you make the call part of the weekly fabric of your lives, it will be easier for your children to participate without feeling like it’s a burden on them. Later, they will appreciate the time spent with your mother.