DEAR HARRIETTE: My company is opening a new headquarters in a different state, and I have been promoted to run this new office. As a young professional, I will have to pick up and move my life to a new city where I know no one and am not familiar with the area. I have been researching places to live and the surrounding locations, but even after finding an area that is great for me, what can I do to get familiar and integrated into the community that I will be living in once I have moved? I want to know about things that go on in my area and possibly meet people and have friends near me. What do you suggest? -- New Job, New Me
DEAR NEW JOB, NEW ME: Congratulations on your promotion! This is an exciting time. It’s smart that you want to figure out how to acclimate best in your new home. Because people are not going out very much these days, getting to know your neighbors and community will be an even bigger challenge than normal. But the ways in which you connect to people are still pretty much the same. Look up organizations in your industry, and become a member. Attend virtual events that they plan so that you can meet people. Look up the local chamber of commerce to discover events in your area. Some socially distanced activities may be planned, as well as virtual ones. Be sure to join in. What are your extracurricular interests? Look them up. Find out what is happening in your area that is of particular interest to you. Over time, you will find your people and your interests.