DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m dealing with a health issue that requires significant dietary changes, and I’m struggling to make it work with my family’s eating habits. I’ve had to cut out gluten and dairy, but my family continues to enjoy dishes that include these ingredients. They often have pasta night with creamy sauces, which has been really tough for me, both physically and emotionally. I have felt left out as I sit there with my separate meal, and it seems like the divide between what I need to eat and what everyone else enjoys is growing wider. I’ve tried to make my meals fit in with the family’s routine, but it’s challenging when everyone’s tastes and habits are so different from mine. I don’t want to act “special” and make my dietary needs a source of tension at home. How can I talk to my family about incorporating my dietary needs into our meals without making it feel like a burden or causing resentment? -- Dietary Challenges
DEAR DIETARY CHALLENGES: This feels especially difficult for you because it is so new. Many people have to change their diets and adjust their meals accordingly. There will probably continue to be many nights when you must eat a different meal from your family. That’s OK. What you can do to get them to consider some of your meals is to get creative and prepare dishes that look and taste delicious, even though they do not have the ingredients that your family is accustomed to. Look up recipes and introduce new ideas to the table. Over time, they may come to like some of your choices.