DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m 19, and I was invited to a close friend’s major milestone birthday party. Initially, I agreed to go, but I’ve since learned that the theme is “sexy Hollywood.” The mood board my friend created and feels strongly about features tight, skimpy skirts and bralettes, which I’m not comfortable wearing. I prefer more low-key events and feel overwhelmed by the extravagant nature of this theme. I don’t want to upset my friend or mess up our friendship, but I also need to stay true to myself. How can I back out of the invite while still showing that I appreciate being asked? -- Party Theme Dilemma
DEAR PARTY THEME DILEMMA: Yes, your friend created a mood board to express her vision for her big birthday party. That does not mean you have to take it literally. Have you ever been to a Halloween party where some people didn’t actually wear costumes but only added a little touch as a nod to the season? It happens all the time. Rather than bow out of your friend’s party, select something to wear that reflects your (less-revealing) vision of sexy Hollywood. Put that on and go to the event. You can make an appearance, show your friend that you support her and duck out if you feel uncomfortable.