DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m having a hard time controlling my shopping habits. I often find myself buying things on impulse, which leads to regret afterwards. I want to take better care of my money, but breaking the habit of spontaneous spending seems really challenging.
I’ve tried setting financial goals by using digital spreadsheets, manual logging and avoiding temptation, but I still struggle with resisting the urge to make unplanned purchases, especially when I’m stressed or bored. I’m looking for effective strategies to help me curb these impulsive buying habits and improve my overall financial management. What steps can I take to manage my shopping addiction and create a healthier relationship with my money? I’m ready to make some changes, but I need practical advice on how to start. -- Spending Habit
DEAR SPENDING HABIT: Set up automatic withdrawals from your paycheck that go into protected savings instruments that are not easily touched. This will help to safeguard some of your money. Next, get a therapist who can work with you to address your spending habits and teach you ways to control your impulses.