DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m having an issue with my neighbors and their new puppy. They recently got a dog, and while she’s adorable, they don’t seem to be doing a great job training her. The puppy keeps using my yard as her personal bathroom, and my neighbors never bother to pick up after her. At first, I tried to ignore it because I figured they were just getting used to having a new pet. However, it’s been weeks now, and the problem isn’t getting any better. I’ve noticed that there are more and more spots in my yard where she’s done her business, and it’s becoming a real nuisance. Not only does it look bad, but it’s also unhygienic, especially since I have kids who like to play outside.
I don’t know how to bring it up without sounding confrontational. I don’t want to create bad blood between us because we live so close, and I like my neighbors. At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair for me to have to deal with their dog’s messes. How can I tell them about this in a way that’s polite but firm? -- Dog Poop
DEAR DOG POOP: You have to set boundaries. Go to your neighbors’ house. Ask them to meet you in the yard. Show them their dog’s droppings. Tell them you need them to clean up after the dog immediately for your family’s health. Simple and direct.