DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m struggling to cope with the toxic dynamics within my team at work. Instead of collaborating to solve problems or improve processes, it feels like everyone is constantly pointing fingers and blaming one another for mistakes. This blame game has created a tense and unproductive environment, and it’s starting to take a toll on my motivation and overall job satisfaction.
For example, during a recent project, a deadline was missed due to a lack of clear communication between team members. Instead of coming together to figure out what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future, the team resorted to a round of accusations and defensiveness. No one wanted to take responsibility, and nothing productive came out of the conversation. It’s frustrating because these situations seem to repeat themselves, and the underlying issues are never addressed.
I want to address this issue, but I’m unsure how to do so without putting myself in a vulnerable position. I don’t want to come across as overly critical or risk alienating myself from the team further. How can I create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere within my team? -- Teamwork
DEAR TEAMWORK: Consider bringing in a team-building expert to give your team tools to work together better. They can learn exercises to agree to disagree and to work together despite differences of opinions or work styles. Many companies have found such outside coaching helpful.
Internally, create group incentives such that if the team reaches a goal on time and well, everybody benefits. Encourage them to make the effort to work together and to support one another by drawing upon their strengths.