DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m in my 20s, and lately, I’ve been struggling with a serious case of FOMO (fear of missing out). Most of my friends are in a position where they can afford to go out regularly, whether it’s dinners at trendy restaurants, nights out at bars or even weekend getaways. I am on a much tighter budget, and I can’t keep up financially. I see their group pictures on social media or hear them talking about the fun they had, and it’s a constant reminder that I’m missing out. They invite me to join, but I often have to make excuses or decline because I simply can’t afford it. I’ve tried suggesting cheaper alternatives, like movie nights at home or potlucks, but they seem more interested in going out and spending money.
I don’t want to isolate myself or seem like a boring, broke friend; at the same time, I’m trying to be responsible with my finances and prioritize my long-term goals, like paying off student loans and saving for the future. How can I deal with these feelings of FOMO? -- Managing Relationships
DEAR MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS: Congratulations on working to be responsible for your life, especially in the face of the great temptation to try to hang with your friends who have deeper pockets. It is not easy to keep your eyes on your goals, but you are doing it.
Look at your friend group, and identify who you feel closest to. Confide that you would like to spend more time with them, but you simply can’t afford it. Ask if that person would ever consider doing alternative fun activities that don’t require too much money. Open your eyes to see who else in your orbit would enjoy your company. It may be time to expand your friend group so that you push past FOMO and create your own experiences.