DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband and I have been blessed with five children. When we got married, we didn’t plan for this many. We’ve decided that we are happy with our family size as is and do not want to have any more children. We both had the bright idea that the other person should undergo the necessary procedure to make that happen. Since we couldn’t agree, I suggested that we both go through with it. If he expects me to get my tubes tied, I think a vasectomy makes sense on his end. He refuses. I don’t know how to feel about him wanting to make changes to my body without making the same sacrifice to his own. -- No More Babies
DEAR NO MORE BABIES: Your husband is being unfair. One way to get him to pay attention to your request is to draw a line in the sand: No more sex until you both have undergone the procedures. This will get him to take you seriously. It is not fair for you to bear the burden on your own.