DEAR HARRIETTE: Last month, I received some concerning news about my health, and it made me realize that I need to take better care of myself. I want to start working out, meditating and eating healthier, but honestly, I don’t know where to begin. The idea of completely changing my lifestyle feels overwhelming, and I’ve never been great at sticking to a routine when it comes to fitness or healthy eating. I worry that I’ll start strong but lose motivation quickly, especially when life gets busy or when I don’t see immediate results. I also don’t want to fall into an all-or-nothing mindset where I feel guilty if I slip up. How can I create a realistic, sustainable wellness journey that allows me to build better habits without feeling like I have to be perfect? Where should I start so that this process feels manageable rather than intimidating? -- Choosing Fitness
DEAR CHOOSING FITNESS: Find out if your insurance will give you support through a dietician. Having professional guidance when designing an eating plan could be a helpful first step in creating a workable strategy to meet your goals. Either way, map out what you will eat and plan your meals weekly. This will help to establish discipline around what you ingest.
Similarly, schedule a weekly fitness routine. What are you willing to do each day for your health? Can you walk for 20 minutes? Go to the gym three times a week? Turn on music and dance on a daily basis? Get an accountability partner who will help you stay true to your fitness goals? Figure out something that you can and will do to establish a fitness routine, and stay on track.