-- A New York appeals court ruled in July that a 53-year-old, serial-plastic-surgery patient, who became dissatisfied with her tucked-and-tightened body after 12 operations over a seven-year-period, could sue her doctor for malpractice, despite her consent to all surgeries, because she might suffer from the disorder that causes a person to think his body is ugly. (Doctors contacted by the New York Observer wondered which, if any, of their patients are totally free of the disorder.) The complaining patient has had work done on her nose, eyelids, chin, eyebrows, flanks, thighs, knees, breasts and tummy.
-- Central Illinois farmer Dan Aeschleman recently converted his land to a more lucrative use: attracting foxes and then selling their urine in pump-spray containers ($11.95 for 16 oz.) to landowners to keep nuisance animals away with the "presence" of a predator. According to a September report in The Pantagraph newspaper of Bloomington, Ill., Aeschleman says the tricky part -- getting the non-domestic foxes to urinate in an orderly fashion and then collecting it all (10,000 gallons a year) -- is a "trade secret."
According to Martinsville, Ind., prosecutors, Judy Kirby, 31, mother of 10, intentionally killed four of them in March after she drove into oncoming traffic for more than two miles and struck a minivan (also killing three of its occupants); her doctors say they will testify at her upcoming trial that she suffered from postpartum depression and should not be punished. And Jeane Newmaker, 46, was charged in Golden, Colo., in September with child abuse for going along with a "therapy" in which four practitioners squashed her 10-year-old adopted daughter to death; the "therapists" were "rebirthing" the child (supposedly to compensate for an abusive biological mother) by getting her to simulate escaping the womb, but they accidentally suffocated her despite her more than 50 pleas for help over a 70-minute session.
-- A highlight of the East Finley Summer Festival in Claysville, Pa., in July was the return of the popular "chicken-flying contest" after a 10-year hiatus. As explained by the Observer-Reporter newspaper of Washington, Pa., chickens are placed in ordinary mailboxes, which are then abruptly opened with a toilet plunger, which somehow sends them flying hundreds of feet, with the longest flight winning first prize. During chicken-flying's hiatus, said Festival sponsors, cow-patty bingo was featured but was not nearly as exciting.
-- The Al Salam Mosque Foundation filed a $6.2 million federal lawsuit in August against Palos Heights, Ill., which had reneged on a promise to pay the Muslim group $200,000 to change its mind about buying a local building and converting it to a place of worship. The city council had made the cash offer, reportedly, because some council members preferred not to have such a prominent Muslim presence in the town. Then, when the Foundation accepted the cash offer, the Palos Heights mayor vetoed it, complaining that the offer was an "insult" to the Muslims.
-- Relieving the Doctor Shortage: According to an April Los Angeles Times report, imposter "Dr." Adam Litwin roamed UCLA Medical Center with impunity for six months last year, chatting it up with "colleagues" and keeping himself busy, being discovered only when a pharmacist reported an irregularity with a prescription. And "physician's assistant" imposter Gary Lee Stearley received excellent reviews from several doctors at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., in June before being detected; he had previously "worked" hospitals in Seattle, Richmond and Washington, D.C.
-- No Substitute for a Loyal Dog: Sevier County (Tenn.) sheriff's dog Kysor was praised in a July Knoxville News-Sentinel report as so faithful that he withstood a stab wound to the head from a fleeing suspect, hard enough that the blade broke off, in order to maintain his grip. However, after the man plunged the knife in, he tried to sic his own dog on the weakened Kysor, but, according to a deputy, "He whistled for him, but his dog wouldn't come."
-- Forget About Asking Him to Consider a Trigger Lock for His Gun: In June, a federal grand jury in Springfield, Mo., indicted Todd Morman Murray, 27, on charges that he stole 45 pounds of explosives from a chemical plant and "hid" them in his children's playhouse.
A young man suffered a broken arm when he was walking so close to railroad tracks that a passing train violently knocked his surfboard out of his hands (San Clemente, Calif., June). And a 25-year-old woman lost the toes on her right foot when she crawled under a slow-moving train as a shortcut to the correct platform (Mount Prospect, Ill., July). And an inebriated man's life was saved by his wife, who pulled him just in time from the path of a speeding train after he had lingered on the tracks to make an obscene gesture at the conductor (Trevor, Wis., June).
According to news reports in July and August, Mack W. Metcalf, 42, of Florence, Ky., has led a dismal life that included frequent drinking binges, some DUI and other traffic charges, drug selling, eviction for failure to pay rent, and a debt of $31,000 in back child support. However, in July, he won a $34 million lump-sum jackpot in the Kentucky Lottery. (His haplessness continues: Shortly after he was paid, he handed a woman $500,000 as a gift, but later realized he was drunk and has now sued to get the money back.)
The Classic Middle Name (all-new): Arrested for killing his roommate (San Diego, Calif., August): Aryan Wayne Duntley. Arrested for killing a young neighbor girl (Oilton, Okla., August): Robert Wayne Rotramel. Sentenced for murdering and beheading a 20-year-old woman (Orange, Texas, July): Christopher Wayne Gregory. Application for DNA testing rejected in a murder case against him (Illinois, August): Randall Wayne Stevens. Convicted in the murders of five people at a car wash (Irving, Texas, September): Robert Wayne Harris.
Killed over Access to Mating: Edward William Heckman, 58, was charged in July near Jonesboro, Ga., with killing his wife after she refused to have sex with him. Baby sitter Robert Cooper, 22, was convicted in June in Calgary, Alberta, of killing two young boys because they hindered his attempted seduction of their mother. A man in his 20s allegedly killed 11 people with an Uzi at a Bogota, Colombia, nightclub in June after rejection by a woman.
An off-duty police officer reporting for an MRI while armed had the superpowerful magnet suck his gun away and slam it against the machine, causing one round to fire into a wall (Rochester, N.Y.). Singapore's leading newspaper published a how-to guide to having sex in cars, in support of the government's campaign to raise the birth rate. The mayor of a French resort town, which has no cemetery vacancies and a restrictive land-use law, prohibited dying except by people with burial space (Le Levandou). The Supreme Court of New Hampshire ruled that a candidate for office had the right to parade on the street dressed as a penis, because he was commenting on the political system.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679 or Weird@compuserve.com, or go to www.NewsoftheWeird.com/.)