DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: I’m a 35-year-old woman, and I’ve been married for 10 years, together for 12. My husband and I have always had a good sex life, but it’s always been very standard, and, if I’m honest, a little stale. I was always a little nervous about bringing this up to my husband, but then a twist of fate meant that we had the conversation anyway.
One night, after a few glasses of wine and an edible, he actually brought up that he had been getting bored with our sex life as well and wanted to shake things up. I was surprised to find out that he felt the same way, but I wasn’t exactly upset to have him bring up the topic first and it felt like it freed us to talk about this more honestly and about what we might want to do.
Lately, we’ve been talking about pushing our boundaries beyond things like sexy lingerie or romantic overnight hotel stays, and one topic that came up was about going to a play party or sex party together. My husband’s excited about the idea and while I’m definitely curious and willing to give it a try, I’m also feeling a bit nervous and unsure about what to expect.
I think a lot of it is that I’m not sure what to expect or what I’d be expected to do. I know neither of us is interested in some sort of partner swap and an orgy feels like it would be far too extreme, but I don’t know what other options there are. I’ve never been to a sex party before, and I know next to nothing about them that I didn’t see in movies or hear about on daytime television. I’m not sure what the mood is like, what’s expected of me, or even how I’m supposed to act. Am I expected to be open to whatever is offered to me? Do I have to be comfortable with people touching me or my husband without saying anything? How do we dress, how do we interact with other people… I feel like I’m going to make some sort of faux pas and get us both in trouble by accident
How do people navigate these kinds of things? What do I need to know before we go, and how can I make sure we both feel comfortable while also having fun?
Thanks in advance,
First Time Jitters
DEAR FIRST TIME JITTERS: I don’t want to overstate things, FTJ, but sex parties are incredibly impactful; one wrong move at a sex party can literally change who ends up being president of the United States.
(I kid, but only slightly… do a quick search for how Jeri Ryan’s divorce lead to Obama getting elected to the senate).
OK, let’s actually be serious now. It’s understandable that you’re a little nervous, FTJ, especially if you’re picturing something that’s somewhere between Eyes Wide Shut and Caligula. The expectations people have is that these sorts of parties are either wall-to-wall piles of naked or nearly naked bodies in multiple configurations or something that looks like a bondage club mixed with the blood rave from Blade, all filled with people who look like Playboy models and extremely waxed men with 3% body fat and an HGH habit.
The reality tends to be a lot more mundane and a lot less exotic; unless you’re going to a party that’s very exclusive and has an extensive vetting process, a lot of the people you’re likely to encounter are going to be in their 30s to 50s, in average shape, and from various walks of life. Most of the time, there will either be an even mix of men and women, or it’ll tilt slightly more towards having more female guests than male. Just about every play party or sex party knows that they live or die by how many women are in attendance, so men are rarely allowed entry without a female partner, while women are allowed to come solo or with other friends. Women also often either get in for free, or with a discount if there’s a ticket or cover charge.
The venue itself can vary as well; some are hosted in apartments or Airbnb’s, some are in hotel suites or rented out clubs, some may be in the local BDSM dungeon, and some have a permanent location. There may be a theme to the party or a focus on particular kinks or fetishes; a bondage party, for example will likely have setups for different scenes or experiences. Most places tend to have a changing room (or at the very least, a place to stash your coats and purses), an area for general mingling and hanging out, and areas where the action happens. In some, especially permanent or established venues, there may be rooms set aside for specific purposes – these for privacy, these for folks who are cool with an audience and so on.
Some people will be dressed in fetish gear, some will be wearing sexy lingerie, some people will be butt-ass naked or wearing just enough to sit comfortably without needing to wipe down the furniture, and more than a few people will be dressed normally. Many parties will have guidelines about the dress code and what is or isn’t expected – especially if the party is happening in a residential area. Some, for example, may request that you either arrive in street-clothes or wear a coat or cover-up if you’re wearing fetish gear or lingerie; it isn’t good for anyone involved if the neighbors see folks in bondage gear descending on a house like Lord Humungous’ raiding party.
What you won’t see or experience – at least, if the party is even vaguely well run and organized – are people just groping others at random or pulling folks away. Just as the ratio of men to women at the parties can make or break them, party organizers also understand that if women don’t feel safe and comfortable at these events, they won’t go. If women won’t go, the events die. Any sex party worth going to is going to have very strict rules of conduct and safety that everyone is expected to adhere to, that are carefully enforced, and these rules tend to be made clear well in advance and often at the venue itself as well.
While the specifics can vary, there’re a few rules that you’re likely to find. First, there’s almost always a “no phones, cameras or video” policy for obvious reasons; people are encouraged to either leave their devices at home, in the car or securely locked up (if there’re accommodations for it).
You’re also likely to find that people are expected to ask for consent – not just in general but spelled out; you’re down to do X, Y or Z but not M, N or L, S is a maybe-so-ask-later, but B and G are hard no’s under any circumstance. Random touching without consent isn’t cool, and tends to be the sort of thing that gets people bounced out post-haste. Condoms are almost always mandatory for any sort of penetration; if they aren’t, you’re better off turning around and leaving. Some parties will allow for oral sex without condoms, others won’t. Everyone is also expected to be cool with being turned down; being at a sex party or paying a cover charge doesn’t entitle someone to sex or access to other people’s bodies. Some parties or clubs will have an ask-once-and-only once policy; some don’t. Regardless, making a scene because someone doesn’t want to play is a great way to ensure that not only do you get kicked out of the party but excluded from all future parties as well… and word tends to travel fast in the community if someone’s a problem or a habitual line-stepper.
An important thing to understand is that you’re not expected to participate in anything that you don’t want to. Most well-organized parties understand that some folks are going to be new and may want to get acclimated; after all, if people feel pressured or don’t feel comfortable with the scene, they’ll stop going. So, there’ll often be events that cater to first-timers and others work with the understanding that some folks are there to observe, maybe dip a toe in here or there, but aren’t ready or willing to dive in yet. Any party where participation is expected tends to spell that out in advance; the odds that you’re going to be surprised by some Fight-Club-esque “if it’s your first night here, you have to f--k” rule is very, very low.
And if they spring that on you, you can turn around and walk the f--k away. You may have to eat a cover fee, but it’s still better to consider that the learning-tax than to deal with being pressured into anything you don’t want to do. The same goes if you don’t like the vibe, if people make you feel uncomfortable, or you realize that it’s just really not your thing and you want to go. If you’re not digging it, you’re not obligated to stay. The number one rule is, as always: if it sucks, hit da bricks.
If and when you and your husband do attend, there’s nothing wrong with just soak in the vibe without necessarily playing – either together or with anyone else. However, I would strongly suggest that the two of you lay out the ground rules for what you’re both cool with doing well in advance and stick to them. It’s helpful to establish these boundaries before you go for the first time, because it will make it that much easier for you to say “no thanks” or “I’m not into that” or even “maybe later” if anyone comes up.
This also helps ensure a smoother and more enjoyable time for you and your husband, without any unwelcome last-minute surprises to have to deal with. Much as with threesomes, the last thing either of you want is to have the other suddenly try to renegotiate the agreement in the moment. If you change your mind and want to try something… well, better to save that for the next party and enjoy all the antici…
That being said: it can be helpful to build in a certain amount of pre-agreed-to wiggle-room on the off chance that something strikes your fancy. I’ve been at a few parties where someone who thought they were just there to hang out suddenly decided they wanted to be put up on a St. Andrews Cross or try nipple clamps for the first time.
The last thing I would suggest is that if you go, stay sober, especially your first time. Once you have a better handle on what you are or aren’t up for and feel more comfortable at the party, it’ll be easier to relax with a drink. However, don’t go overboard; if you’ve had too much to drink, you also can’t give meaningful consent.
The most important thing though is to remember that you’re both planning on going to this to have fun and help keep the spark going in your connection. Think of this as a fun adventure you’re having with your partner in crime, rather than something that needs to happen a certain way, or that you need to have a particular experience for it to be worth it. If a sex party or play part is not for you, it’s not for you and that’s fine. An experiment that doesn’t work the way you hoped or expected isn’t a failure; it means you and your husband learned something about yourselves. Just trying those new things can help bring some more excitement and new energy into the mix, even if it didn’t play out the way you thought.
Good luck.
Please send your questions to Dr. NerdLove at his website (; or to his email,