DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: I was interested on a coworker (26F) but it was hard to communicate with her: if we were alone, she would ignore me and if I started a conversation, she would talk, but in a nonchalant and disinterested way. However, when I was talking with other people, especially other girls, than she would barge into the conversation, flirt, tell a lot of jokes, etc.
I eventually found out that she is seeing/dating someone, so I decided to move on.
To make the process easier, since I see her every day at work, I decided to keep communication to a minimum (only work related) and avoid her. She looked a bit curious/confused about why I stopped contact, but did not make any approach. Everything was fine…
…until we have group talks. Then, she keeps her tendency of barging into my conversations with other people. This is kinda frustrating me, because not only ruins my avoidance strategy but also interferes with my communication with other people.
Why does she do this and what should I do? I don`t want to be impolite to her, but I need my distance.
Crush Recovery Zone
DEAR CRUSH RECOVERY ZONE: I can see how this would be frustrating, CRZ, but it’s hard for me to say what’s going on. After all, I’m not there to watch these and it’s not like I can subpoena all of you and put you under oath while I take your depositions. So even under the best of circumstances, all I’ve got is speculation and conjecture.
Having said that, I think there’re a couple important details that you left out that would make it easier to make an educated guess about what she’s up to.
To start with: when you were talking with her alone and she was acting disinterested, what were you talking about? Is it possible that she was less interested in the topic than you and was staying in the conversation to be polite?
Similarly, how were you behaving with her? If you were being overt (or at least, unsubtle) with your interest, she may have been trying to give you the wave-off without actually drawing attention to the fact that she was doing this. A lot of women will act withdrawn or uninterested in hopes that the guy who’s clearly crushing on them will get the message without them having to say it – especially if the guy hasn’t said anything definitively himself.
For that matter, are you sure she was uninterested or nonchalant but simply not reacting in a way that you’d see as being “interested”? Depending on what you were talking about, she may have had a more restrained reaction simply because it would be less appropriate to be effervescent and cheery than in some of the things you were talking to others about.
In fact, when you were talking with others and she would butt in, was it when you were talking with one person or a group? Does she do this with other people, or only with you? When you’re talking with others, especially in group conversations, it’s certainly possible that you were talking about topics that she found more interesting or could engage with and actually had something she could sink her teeth into. She might also have felt more secure in participating in a group conversation simply because it meant that you would be less likely to steer things in a flirty or dating direction.
By that same token, who is she directing all this attention towards? Is she flirting with you? Or is she just behaving in a way that you would describe as “flirty” that isn’t necessarily directed at anyone or could be directed at everyone in the conversation? Is it possible that she’s friends with other people in the groups you’re talking to and is just joining the conversations with them that you happen to be having? Or is she actively seeking you out and only does this when you are having these group chats?
And while I’m asking: does she know you had a crush on her and you’re trying to get over it by spending less time with her? Or is this a decision that you made without making a production about it?
These are important, because they provide some much-needed context to both her behavior and yours. What seems inexplicable can make far more sense when context clues are factored into it. Otherwise, it’s just a lot of stabs in the dark and educated guesses.
It’s certainly possible, for example, that she’s the sort of person who likes knowing that someone’s into them, while not ever being interested in actually pursuing something with them. After all, just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the validation that other people think you’re attractive. If that were the case, she might also be the sort of person who likes keeping that attention going. Reminding you that she’s there and throwing some salt on your game to keep your options narrow would be one way of making sure that you’re going to keep dancing in attendance on her.
It’s not likely, but it’s certainly possible.
It’s also possible that she is behaving as she always has, simply because not much has changed as far as she’s concerned. If the only difference is that you aren’t talking to her one-on-one as frequently as you used to (especially if she’d been giving you the subtle wave-off), then the main reason why this feels impactful to you is because you’re the only person who feels the difference. To her, it’s Tuesday.
Or it could be that she’s unsure why you suddenly stopped talking to her and feels a little hurt but isn’t going to make A Thing about it because who needs the drama? It’s easier to just continue as normal with others, and hope that either things get less uncomfortable or that you get over whatever is bothering you and start talking to her again.
I suspect the issue here is that you’re reading too much into this and you’re taking it personally because your feelings are involved. I don’t think she’s doing this at you, nor do I think she’s trying to keep you on the hook. You feel this sting because it hits directly in the crush you’re trying to let go of, but I highly doubt there’s anything nefarious or even tricksy going on. I’d be willing to bet that this is just her being her and you’re reading more into it than is actually there.
That having been said: if she’s actually being rude or disrupting conversations that you’re trying to have with friends, that’s absolutely something to comment on. There’s nothing wrong with saying “hey, we were in the middle of something” if she’s butting in with no regard.
But as it is? I think you’re making far more assumptions about what she knows and understands you to be doing than is warranted. If you went from making a point of chatting to her to suddenly keeping it strictly business, it’s understandable that she’d be a little confused and possibly hurt.
It doesn’t sound to me like this was a deep or distracting crush and I don’t think you need to avoid her. Just treat her like normal, acknowledge your feelings to yourself without needing to do anything about it and redirect your attention when it flares up. The crush will fade on its own in time, and you can get back to business as usual.
Good luck.
Please send your questions to Dr. NerdLove at his website (; or to his email,