-- In September, driving-school owner Bharat Patel, 49, became the 31st person convicted in a driver's-license bribery scandal at a Chicago examining station. According to testimony, Patel did not even bother to teach and spent all his time with examiners. Some of Patel's students were such bad drivers that examiners, who took $300,000 in bribes in two years, actually gave Patel his money back. Some subsequently licensed drivers did not know how to start a car or engage the transmission; others turned directly into traffic during the test; and sometimes, terrified examiners halted the test mid-trip and hitchhiked back to the station.
-- Federal wildlife officials believe that the voracious and largely indestructible Asian swamp eel has somehow made its way to within a mile of Florida's Everglades National Park and poses an imminent threat to its balance of nature, according to a September Wall Street Journal report. The 3-foot-long eel apparently eats anything in its path, has no known enemies, survives in salt- and fresh water and on land, can change genders in order to facilitate year-round breeding, lays 1,000 eggs at a time, and is so durable that one lived in a wet towel for seven months with no food or water.
Protesting taxes (Actress "Dziewanna" rode, Lady Godiva-style, through Krakow, Poland, in July). Bicycling for charity (Three men and a woman were arrested in Vernal, Utah, wearing only helmets, in July). Burglarizing a house (Dwight Mills, 38, set off by the receipt of divorce papers, took off his clothes and broke into a neighbor's house before being gunned down, Pensacola, Fla., July). Celebrating a soccer "victory" (In August, a nude fan joyously rushed onto the field and around the sidelines in the final moments of a 2-1 game, but he apparently also distracted his own Blackpool, England, team, because Torquay scored two quick goals to win, 3-2).
-- Helene Canuel filed a lawsuit in August against the Rimouski (Quebec) Minor Hockey Association, asking about $700 (U.S.) in damages, because the coach of her 14-year-old son benched him for the playoffs. Canuel said she just wanted "justice for my son," but the coach was apparently more interested in surviving the single-elimination tournament.
-- In June, a school district in Orange County, Calif., was ordered by a jury to pay $1.4 million to Taylor Steiskal, age 10, who three years ago fell off his school's monkey bars and broke his arm, which developed further complications and has required eight surgeries. Steiskal's lawyers argued that monkey bars for children should be no higher than 72 inches off the ground (thus giving a few inches' ground-clearance for a 48-inch-high boy hanging from his hands); the one Steiskal fell from was 79 inches high.
-- Anne and Lucy Abolins filed a $4 million lawsuit in May against the owners of the house they formerly rented in Edmonton, Alberta, from which their 114 cats were confiscated by health inspectors, who ruled in June 1999 that the feces-laden dwelling was uninhabitable. Contrary to neighbors' claims that the Abolinses had lowered their neighborhood's value, the sisters now say that their own lives were ruined by the health inspectors and that notoriety has made it impossible for them to find new living quarters. (In August 2000, a judge fined the sisters about $3,500 (U.S.) for housing code violations, and Lucy Abolins then called the SPCA "the Antichrist" for taking her cats away.)
-- In September, a jury in Tacoma, Wash., ordered the state Department of Corrections to pay $22 million to the family of a woman killed when a convicted felon (domestic assault) on probation ran a red light and hit the woman's car, concluding that the department somehow ought to have supervised the man better. The governor's office said it would appeal the verdict, questioning the state's ability to monitor the driving behavior of its 55,000 probationers 24 hours a day.
-- According to an Associated Press report in August, quoting lawyers close to the case, the Catholic Diocese of Nashville, Tenn., planned to use the defense of "comparative fault" in two lawsuits filed by boys who claimed to have been sexually molested by former priest Edward McKeown. Such a defense would allow the church to reduce its damages by showing that other people had knowledge of McKeown's continued abuse and did not warn authorities of it. Among those other people the church regards as culpable are the 21 other victims who were abused but remained silent.
-- Paralyzed inmate Torrence Johnson filed a lawsuit in July against the Spartanburg (S.C.) County Jail because guards failed to stop him in 1998 when he was whimsically doing backflips off a desk in his cell, the last one of which resulted in a fall and his subsequent paralysis. Johnson claims guards should have been watching him carefully because he had been diagnosed as depressed, although they said he appeared to be vigorous until he landed on his neck.
Mark Sims, 24, filed a lawsuit in August against Ottawa (Ontario) Civil Hospital, alleging that a misdiagnosis (of cancer) caused a doctor to remove one of his testicles, which at that time was the size of a "baseball." Sims now says it was obvious that the swollen testicle was not cancerous but merely the result of an office-party jaunt to a strip club, a visit during which Sims ultimately found himself onstage with a dancer, who "suddenly, without warning" whacked his scrotum. Sims says that if the doctor had waited until his testicle shrank to its normal size, he would still have both testicles.
Last year, News of the Weird reported that a Bombay, India, collection agency had hired six eunuchs to hang around the homes and offices of obstinate debtors to embarrass them into paying up. According to a July 2000 report in London's The Guardian, the Tsaisheng credit agency in Taiwan has begun hiring AIDS patients at about $100 (U.S.) a day for the same purpose. According to the agency owner, many people in Taiwan still believe that AIDS is transmitted through mere social contact.
Sherman Lee Parks, 50, escaped from the Dallas County Jail in Fordyce, Ark., in August, oblivious of the fact that a judge had just ordered his release because he had been locked up too long; he was rearrested the next day, charged with escaping, and jailed. And in September, according to police in Shawnee, Kan., a 19-year-old clerk at a Texaco Starmart reported he had been robbed, but actually he had just looted his own cash register, and to conceal the crime, he had put tape over the store's surveillance cameras. However, he had used transparent tape; said a police lieutenant, "(I)t looks a little fuzzy, but I don't see any robbery in there."
Water and health officials were mystified at the continued appearance of half-inch-long red worms in the tap of a Deltona, Fla., woman but after tests, declared the water safe. A mayoral candidate in Vlore, Albania, promised that, if elected, he would re-open the city's long-shuttered brothels. Officials in Cairo, Egypt, began implementing a 20-year program to relocate 21 cemeteries (with 109,000 graves) to the suburbs. When an arrested stripper on pre-trial release argued that wearing an ankle monitor on stage would hamper her act, the judge relented and dropped that condition (Cleveland).
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679 or Weird@compuserve.com, or go to www.NewsoftheWeird.com/.)