October 1 – October 7, 2017
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Look at opportunities realistically on the 1st and 2nd. Implementing moderation when using what's made available to you will make it last longer and help you build the momentum you need to reach your destination. A heartfelt approach to life and what's expected of you on the 3rd and 4th will help you gain respect and a good reputation that will help you advance. Finishing what you start will make a difference to whether you succeed or not. Don't give up on the 5th and 6th when you should be putting everything you've got into pushing forward. Control emotions and project common sense. Rely on your gut feeling on the 7th to avoid making a mistake.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Use your imagination on the 1st and 2nd, and you will come up with ideas that will be helpful to those you love and make you feel good about what you accomplish. Listen carefully to what others say on the 3rd and 4th at work, school or when dealing with authority figures. It's important that you understand exactly what's expected of you if you want to get things right the first time. An emotional situation will escalate on the 5th and 6th if you take on too much and fall short of your goal. Timing and organization will be essential. Socialize, plan a day trip and make love a priority on the 7th. Personal growth is accentuated.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A realistic evaluation of your lifestyle, position or relationship with your peers, lover or children should be made on the 1st and 2nd. Knowing where you stand will be dependent on how honest you are regarding such matters. Look for a way to get ahead on the 3rd and 4th. Self-promotion, marketing and setting up interviews or meetings will all help you advance. On the 5th and 6th, you may crave change, but caution will also be required to avoid physical, emotional or financial loss. Don't let impulsiveness get the better of you or let temptation lead you astray. Plan to do something special with someone you love on the 7th. Physical activity will do you good.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Physical changes are featured on the 1st and 2nd. Take on a challenge, or sign up for an activity you can do with children or someone you love. Keep your life simple and your relationships nourished with kindness and affection. Look for alternatives on the 3rd and 4th if personal matters start to spin out of control. Refuse to let your emotions set you back financially or professionally. On the 5th and 6th, show caution when dealing with groups or people who try to coerce you into something that isn't right or good for you. Do your best to add stability to your life, not chaos. It's OK to do things differently on the 7th. Your creativity will draw attention.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Asking questions will help you formulate new plans on the 1st and 2nd. Rely on those with more experience or that you trust to point you in the right direction. Alterations at home look promising. Make sure you have a clear picture of your financial situation on the 3rd and 4th before you sign up for something that might be costly. A false sense of what you can afford should be countered with sound financial advice. Listen to someone on the 5th and 6th who has insight into your financial and physical situation, and you'll gain the experience required to make a good choice. Avoid joint holdings. You'll be tempted to make an impulsive move on the 7th. Consider the consequences before you leap.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Set a strategy for the week on the 1st and 2nd that is geared toward advancement. Check the online job market, update and send out your resume or prepare for the projects and responsibilities you have to address. Partnerships will face uncertainty on the 3rd and 4th if you or your partner have been evasive. Reflect on your relationship and the positive changes you can make. Don't feel you have to spend on the 5th and 6th in order to impress someone. You are best to put your money, credit cards and possessions in a safe place. Question your motives on the 7th and make changes based on doing what's best for everyone involved.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Engage in activities you enjoy on the 1st and 2nd. Sharing your thoughts and ideas will spark a new partnership that has the potential to become lucrative. Do your due diligence on the 3rd and 4th at work or when dealing with institutions or government agencies. Read the fine print and ask questions. You'll be torn between the choices you are given on the 5th and 6th. Don't feel you have to make a snap decision if you aren't ready. Make up your mind based on facts and what's best for you, not what someone else wants you to do. Try not to overreact on the 7th when dealing with emotional or financial matters. Listen carefully and only respond when ready.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Look for opportunities on the 1st and 2nd that will help you improve your standard of living, way of life or assets and investments. Change begins within. Personal gains can be made on the 3rd and 4th that will result in a stronger, healthier and more efficient you. Strive for perfection and developing into the person you aspire to be. On the 6th and 7th, the more willing you are to adapt to what's going on around you, the easier it will be to get ahead. Look at the changes taking place and move into a position that compliments what transpires. Share your thoughts with someone you love on the 7th. Make romance a priority.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make some upgrades on the 1st and 2nd that will enhance your appearance, position you for success, or change your status by making a commitment to someone you love. You'll face discord on the 3rd and 4th if you don't agree with a friend or sibling who wants to do things differently or who isn't happy with the choices you make. Aim to please on the 5th and 6th when it comes to changes at work or at home. Getting along will be half the battle. Play your cards right and you'll get your way and what you want. A change to your image or look on the 7th will build confidence.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll be tempted by offers and enthusiastic people on the 1st and 2nd, but before you indulge, find out what the cost will be. Make sure you have all your important papers up to date on the 3rd and 4th. You'll get caught in a predicament if you try to do something without proper documentation. A little romance will help ease your stress. Take a step back on the 5th and 6th and evaluate what everyone else is doing before you plunge into a tempting situation that is likely to fall short of your expectations. Fix up your surroundings on the 7th to better suit your needs. Comfort and efficiency should be your goal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Look for a good deal on the 1st and 2nd. There are offers to take advantage of and profits to be made if you are diligent in gathering facts and implementing your strategy for success. On the 3rd and 4th, question anyone who shows inconsistency or waffles with regard to feelings or commitment. Be your own master and make decisions that suit your financial needs. An unexpected turn of events will give rise to new beginnings on the 5th and 6th. Money gifts and offers will take you by surprise and result in options you haven't had in the past. Don't allow your emotions to take over on the 7th. Stay calm and be prepared to offer alternative solutions.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don't try to hide how you feel on the 1st and 2nd. You are best to be straightforward about what you want. Your intuition will help guide you in a direction that is in your best interest. Take a look at how far you have come on the 3rd and 4th and how far you want to go. Set a strategy that will encourage you to develop skills and talents you want to incorporate into your career choice. An opportunity offered on the 5th and 6th looks promising. Don't feel the need to move too quickly. Build a solid base and you will succeed. Lean toward the unfamiliar on the 7th. What you learn from the experience others share will be valuable.