Dear Doctor: Our daughter is only 4 years old, and she has had her first cavity already. What can we do to make sure that things go better at her next visit to the dentist, and for her new baby brothe... more
Dear Doctor: After three planned children and one unexpected (but much-loved) arrival, my wife and I think a vasectomy is a good idea. What will happen? How permanent is a vasectomy?... more
Dear Doctor: Our son will be 3 years old when his baby sister arrives this fall. What can my husband and I do to help him understand the changes that are on the way?... more
Dear Doctor: My 5-year-old grandson craves lead paint and has used his toothbrush to get at old layers of lead paint in his family’s renovated 1880s home. His development has slowed, and people think ... more
Dear Doctor: My husband and I are pretty strict about screen time with our kids. I read about a new study that indicates that screen time actually changes a child’s brain. Is this true? How much scree... more