DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 & a half years. Last summer he came to me and said he was poly. He wants a future with me & made all these promises that are no longer the case in the sense that he is poly & I am not. We tried bringing in another woman and it went very bad to the point it almost ended our relationship but we worked through it. He tells me he still has feelings for this woman even after all the bad that happened.
I told him I would be willing to try another partner but I would like it to be someone we meet together not someone he knew previously so we can both build a foundation with said person. But he tells me he loves me and I am his future but he is also still hung up on this other woman & it has been a year now since she was with us.
What do I do?
Feeling Like The Third Wheel
DEAR FEELING LIKE THE THIRD WHEEL: What do you do? You break up, FLTTW. I’m not sure why this is a question.
Look, I get it. You and your boyfriend have been together for nearly four years. That’s a lot of time that you’ve invested in this relationship. You clearly love him and you’ve done a lot to try to make this relationship work. That’s admirable, don’t get me wrong. But there’s trying to make a relationship work and then there’s trying to turn a lamb into a lion, and that’s what you’re stuck in right now.
(Please nobody bring up Ringing Bell, that’s traumatized enough people, thanks.)
If you’re monogamous and he’s polyamorous, that’s going to be a problem in and of itself. Now, there are one-sided open relationships, where one partner is functionally monogamous and the other partner isn’t. However, those are relationships that take not just a lot of trust and commitment, but also varsity communication skills, time management and a hell of a lot of emotional intelligence. And to be perfectly frank, it doesn’t seem like you all are there – your boyfriend in particular.
However, it seems like you tried for a poly triad, not just a poly relationship, where you have a third person in a relationship with the both of you. If polyamory is varsity level dating, a full triad is pretty close to an Olympic level relationship. That takes a very particular type of person, especially if the third is going to be romantically and/or sexually connected to the both of you, and it doesn’t sound like that’s you. If it is the case that he’s just looking to be the hinge and neither of you are expected to have a relationship beyond being metamours… well, that’s still complicated and his behavior makes me think that he doesn’t have the requisite emotional intelligence to make this work.
Feelings can be messy and complicated, trust me I know. But there’s being in your feels about a person – even as someone who’s poly – and then there’s going on and on about the other person to your current partner, talking about how much he still wants her even after it nearly destroyed your relationship. For all that the two of you worked through it, it seems to me like he’s still got a lot of lingering issues that he’s never addressed. Possibly because doing so would mean that he understands that it’s a binary decision here: it’s you or the one who got away, not both.
Well, to be perfectly blunt, I think the best thing you can do here is just skip straight to the end and save yourself a lot of unnecessary grief by breaking up with him. I think if you stay in this relationship, you’re going to be going through this same process again and again – possibly even with the same woman. And then when the break up inevitably comes, you will have spent who knows how much time and energy trying to turn this into something it’s not.
Some people come to non-monogamy and polyamory by being what’s sometimes called “poly under duress” – that is, they go into polyamory because that’s the only way to be with their partner. Some people soon discover that polyamory and non-monogamy works for them… and some discover that it absolutely doesn’t. It sounds to me like you’re in the latter camp. But even if you’re in the former, I think you’d be better off exploring this with someone who’s got a better head on his shoulders and doesn’t seem to be determined to charge back into that minefield like an infantryman with a death wish.
So I think you should do yourself and your boyfriend a favor and end this. He gets to go back to the woman who seems to have captured his head if not his heart and you find someone who isn’t as conflicted about who he wants while wanting things that you just can’t live with.
Good luck.
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