DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: I just moved to a country different from my home country, and I met a Scandinavian guy. During the first few days of talking to him, I always had the feeling that he had no interest in talking to me, even if he was the one initiating the conversations. He’s quite a jokester, but when we talked, I would say something to him, he would reply jokingly, and then turn away. Or if he talked to me, as soon as I started to reply, he would already be turning away, so to me, this came off as very rude.
I thought it was because he didn’t find me attractive, and that’s why he wasn’t showing interest in talking to me. I didn’t think much of it because I know some guys are like that. Until one day, I found him on Tinder, we matched, and he messaged me. He was nice but nothing special. However, in person, the next three days, he wouldn’t talk to me at all, so I was really confused. I mentioned that I felt like he was ignoring me, and he told me it wasn’t his intention and asked me to forgive him. Later, I told him that I found him attractive and what I was looking on Tinder, but if he only wanted us to be friends, that was fine, and if he wanted something else, that was fine too. He responded by saying he didn’t know what he wanted, and that it could be dangerous to get involved because we’re neighbors, I told him I understood. That same day, I found out he was hooking up with my neighbor.
The worst part is that I found out because we were playing a question game, and she hinted at it. However, when it was his turn, he didn’t make any reference to hooking up with anyone in the neighborhood. Personally, I don’t really care what he does with his sex life, but I don’t understand why he doesn’t just tell me the truth. Right now, I’m even doubting whether he feels any attraction toward me. I’d like to have a bit of clarity about his way of operating.
Because is not the first time that someone makes like a maybe I am interested kind of move and then they chicken out so I would to know if this is something common or just a lot of coincidence.
Is It Just Me Or…?
DEAR IS IT JUST ME OR…: I’m going to skip to the end and say that I don’t think he was really that into you in the first place. It sounds a lot like you were reading more into this than was ever actually there.
If this is the sort of thing that happens often – and you suggest it’s happened at least a few times before – then it may be worth considering that you’re misreading things or rounding friendliness or politeness up to attraction. The thing that sticks out at me is that you say that they make a “maybe I am interested” kind of move. The key word here is ”maybe”, implying that there’s a lot of room for interpretation and there’s a certain amount of wishful thinking filling in the gaps. That’s a pretty good way to end up with similar situations like the way you keep running into guys who seem to be into you but then are banging other people instead.
So part of what you may want is to work on recalibrating yourself when it comes to signs of interest or flirting. You may want to consider what sociologists call “the rule of four” – that rather than focusing on any one sign of interest, you should look for multiple indicators that are all happening either simultaneously or in close succession. It’s very rare that someone is giving off only one sign of attraction or interest; most of the time, there are several signs happening all at once. If you don’t have a lot of context for that individual’s personality, it can be hard to tell if, for example, they’re being joking and silly with you because they’re flirting or because that’s just how they are. But joking around and being silly mixed with proximity, mixed with more eye contact than seems normal or jokes that seem different and hint more at something between the two of you than they make with other people, that’s often a good indication that they kinda dig you.
You might also want to make a move sooner rather than later, if you think they might be into you. Sometimes the issue is that they were flirting but you took so long to get reciprocal that they assumed you weren’t interested and moved on.
Now in the specific case of your neighbor … while I suspect there’re at least some cultural differences, I honestly don’t really see much in here that would suggest interest. If anything, I think he was pretty clear that he wasn’t interested.
His turning away after making a joke – or while you were speaking – certainly suggests that he wasn’t really flirting. And while I could understand how matching with him on Tinder might make things confusing, I suspect that this was more of a “huh, hey, someone I know showed up in my feed, isn’t that wacky” sort of response than being interested. Especially since that never actually led anywhere. One of the cultural cliches about Scandinavian dating culture is that folks tend to be pretty direct about being interested (sexually, anyway; they’re often more reserved about displays of affection and romantic interest), so I suspect that if he was interested, you’d know.
The rest honestly sounds like it was just politely turning you down. “I don’t want to make things complicated by dating a neighbor” sure sounds like a soft “no” to me, especially seeing as he turned out to be banging someone else in the neighborhood. And as for why he didn’t tell you this himself? Well to be perfectly frank, it wasn’t really any of your business. He doesn’t owe you an accounting of who he’s f--king any more than you would owe him one if he asked you out while you were having something casual with someone else.
The thing is, when we give a soft “no”, it’s not a binding contract or something that you can throw out there as a ‘gotcha’, as though proving that it wasn’t true means they’re now obligated to date us. If we can recognize that “I’m just not looking for a relationship” comes with an unspoken “…with you”, I think we can also recognize that “Dating a neighbor would be too complicated” really translates to “I’m not interested in you, but I don’t want to be rude about it, so here’s a plausible reason to refuse that lets you save face.”
So TL;DR: I think this guy was never into you in the first place and you misread the vibe. If this is a frequent thing, then you may need to recalibrate yourself and look for stronger and more obvious signs rather than taking “maybe” for a yes. Failing that: make a definitive move yourself early on… but then take that polite refusal as a refusal. If it really is circumstantial, he knows where to find you when circumstances change.
Good luck.
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