Cheap Fares Tempt Delayed Honeymooners
DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: When we got married nearly two years ago, my wife and I had to put our honeymoon on hold because of finances and the lack of PTO. Right now, both of us have been furloughed and with some money saved up, we think it could be the time to take advantage of the cheap airfares and travel somewhere for a few days as a delayed honeymoon.
We do feel a little guilty about traveling now, but this is an opportunity that may not come around for a long time again once we are back to work. Are we thinking wrong here? --- STILL WAITING FOR OUR HONEYMOON
DEAR STILL WAITING ON OUR HONEYMOON: I can see the temptation to make the most of your hiatus and cheap fares, but it seems like a risky venture, at best, especially if you’re travelling to and/or from areas currently in lock-down.
Stay put and keep yourselves and others safer. Once you get back to work, save your time and your money, and make plans for a honeymoon when life is less uncertain.