DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My sister-in-law is always complaining about how hard it is to get clothes for her nine-year-old daughter that aren’t “slutty.” I agree a lot of what is out there is adult and not very kid looking.
I picked up a bunch of back-to-school outfits for my niece that seemed age-appropriate and practical.
I get to my brother’s house nearly every week after I get off work, usually right around when the kids are getting off the bus, and I have yet to see anything I gave her being worn by my niece.
Do you think her mother or my niece is to blame for rejecting my clothes? I was thinking of getting her a few more things for when the weather gets cooler, but I do not want to waste my time or my money if they aren’t going to be worn. --- SEEMED RIGHT TO ME
DEAR SEEMED RIGHT TO ME: While I can’t say why your niece isn’t wearing the clothing you gave her, I will suggest that moving forward rather than making best-intentioned guesses, it would be far better to directly ask your sister-in-law and niece what’s still needed as she settles into the school year.
Kids your niece’s age often like to decide for themselves what works best for them. Perhaps instead of clothing, you could help out by covering any outstanding required or desired school supplies or accessories (binders, folders, computer sleeve/cover, etc.), which your niece can tailor to her own tastes.