DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My son and father have stopped talking to one another because my son refused to take the car my father offered him for free. My son called it a “real piece of sh#t,” which he said will cost more for him to fix up than it’s worth.
My father claims it’s a classic that only needs some TLC to get back to top shape. It’s a ’69 Corvette and was my dad’s dream car, which he saved up for years to buy and kept running for years until he wasn’t able to give his time and money to keeping it up.
In all honesty, it has gotten a little rough, and my son’s no mechanic, so he may be right that it would cost more to fix than getting a newer second-hand car.
My father told me how he had only been holding onto the car until my son was old enough to take over on it. What was meant to be a special gift has been flatly refused. I can see why it is bugging my father.
Should I try to persuade my son to just take the damn car and then do with it what he wants just to keep the peace? --- ALL OVER A CAR
DEAR ALL OVER A CAR: There’s nothing wrong with your wanting to be a peacemaker, but I’m not sure your plan will work.
Your son’s made it clear he has no use for the proposed gift, and your dad can’t see how something he considers a treasure could be deemed worthless by his own grandson.
Beyond perhaps telling your son not to disrespect his grandfather’s old prize, I’d say step back and let the whole thing blow over. There’s little to be gained by you becoming part of an already tense situation.