DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I got home from work to find my husband super excited because the last of the Halloween trick or treating costumes he ordered came in. It was a special order for our two-year-old son. A few months ago he decided we all have to dress up as Trump, as a joke. We are the least Trump people you can find, but he thinks it will be funny since all the costumes are totally over-the-top ironic.
I think he is wrong, and people will think we are big Trump supporters or possibly worse, that some of his true supporters will get that we’re knocking him and things will get ugly.
We live in a neighborhood with all kinds of political yard signs all over the place, so someone will take our costumes the wrong way.
Why can’t my husband see what a dumb idea this is, no matter how many times I tell him? --- SO STUBBORN
DEAR SO STUBBORN: We’ve had a few trick or treating Trumps in our neighborhood in the past, so I’d bet your family will likely not be the only ones out, especially in an election year. That may be your husband’s thinking as well.
I believe you’re right however, about people having a range of reactions to a family of Donald Trumps walking down their street. But unless you have reason to believe some of your neighbors would get upset enough to pose a real threat, my guess is most people will take it in the light of their choice and simply see a family having fun on a holiday not meant to be taken too seriously.
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