DEAR ABBY: My problem is my wife. She will not go to the doctor for regular checkups. She is 43, a professional, and we are not poor.
We have no children. She is apparently healthy, but she refuses to go for checkups, Pap smears, mammograms, etc. Her last visit to a doctor was at least eight years ago. (She also rarely goes to a dentist.)
I have yelled, threatened, cajoled, asked nicely, clipped newspaper and magazine articles concerning the necessity for women to get regular checkups -- nothing works. I go to the doctor regularly and I'm sure she realizes it's important, but she will not do it.
We have been married for 13 years. I love her very much and would like to grow old with her. What can I do? -- OUT OF IDEAS
DEAR OUT OF IDEAS: Short of hog-tying her, there is nothing you can do. Every intelligent person realizes that routine periodic checkups (physical and dental) are essential to maintaining good health, and early detection in case there is a problem has saved many lives.
All you can do is pray that your wife continues to be one of the lucky ones.