DEAR ABBY: After reading the letter from the bride-to-be who had spina bifida, asking how to get down the aisle gracefully at her wedding without using her walker, I would like to share the following:
I, too, was born with spina bifida, and I, too, suffer from spasms, among other conditions unique to this condition. When my wife and I were married, we had our ceremony with her seated in a chair beside my wheelchair. It went off without a hitch.
Those who attend weddings are usually family and friends. So my advice to that lucky lady is to relax and just be herself -- spasms, walker and all. Everyone expects no less -- or more -- than that. Sign me ... TEXAS FOUR-WHEELER
DEAR TEX: Your advice is terrific, and I hope that the nervous bride-to-be will relax and give it serious consideration. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: A young woman with a physical disability wrote you concerning her worries that she would not be able to walk down the aisle on her wedding day. I recently attended a wedding where the bride had similar concerns. She managed the day in an electric scooter decked with flowers and garlands that matched her lovely dress. Perhaps her solution could be applied here. -- MATT IN ROME, N.Y.
DEAR MATT: I don't see why not -- all it would take is a florist with artistry and ingenuity.