DEAR ABBY: My best friend, "Wanda," is in trouble. We're only in sixth grade, and I don't want her to ruin her life. I found out she is doing drugs. I know Wanda needs help, but I don't know where to start.
Should I tell her I know? I think the first step to helping her is to get her to admit she has a problem. Am I right? -- CONCERNED FRIEND IN NEW JERSEY
DEAR CONCERNED: Admitting one has a problem is the first step in helping ONESELF. If you try to get her to admit she has a problem, the first thing she will probably try to do is deny it.
Your first step to helping Wanda should be to tell your mother what you have learned. It is important that your friend's mother know what her daughter is doing, so she can have the girl tested and find professional help for her. Do not put it off.