DEAR ABBY: My sister died suddenly. She hadn't been ill, and it was a shock. Although she tried hard to have a relationship with me over the years, I had trouble relating to her and we weren't close.
I am sorry to say that I never took the time to get to know her. I'm left now with many questions about the sister I always had, but never really knew.
As her next of kin, I'm responsible for packing up her things, and I came across several journals. I would like to read them because I feel they would help me to understand her better, but I also feel it might be disrespectful to go through something of hers that was so personal.
What do you think? Would it be wrong to read them? I wish I had her here to talk to instead of journals to snoop through. -- REGRETFUL IN OAKLAND
DEAR REGRETFUL: I'm sorry for your loss, and your regrets. Because you would like to know your sibling, I think you should read her journals. While it's sad that you have to make her acquaintance in this way, it would be better than never having known her at all.