DEAR ABBY: I'm a high school junior, and my school's prom is coming up. I don't have a date. I completely understand that I don't need a date for prom to have fun. However, within my group of friends, we are organizing who will sit at our 18-person table, and I'm the only dateless person at our table, which means I'm the odd one out (eight couples plus me for a total of 17 seats filled).
I know I should try to have fun even if I'm the only one by myself, but the situation makes me feel so alone. I asked two different guys if they wanted to go with me: One ended up going with a different girl and will be sitting at our table. The other didn't want to go with me.
How should I handle this situation and be able to have fun at prom, even though I'll be sticking out as the only person in our entire group who couldn't manage to find someone to go with -- even as a friend? -- ANONYMOUS IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR ANONYMOUS: I understand why you would feel alone under these circumstances, but the truth is you won't be alone. You will be attending the prom with 16 friends. If you concentrate on that, you CAN have a good time hearing music you enjoy, surrounded by friends who are supportive and dancing if you wish to.