DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I have been living together for almost five years. His parents bought a house a few doors down. They pop in whenever they feel like it and even walk into our bedroom while we are in bed. I need this to stop.
His mother and I had a falling-out in the past because she felt she had a right to control everything down to where I keep my dirty laundry. This is a touchy subject with my boyfriend, let alone his mother. Please help me. -- NEEDS PRIVACY IN MARYLAND
DEAR NEEDS PRIVACY: No one should enter your home without first asking permission, and that goes for your boyfriend's parents. That they would enter your bedroom while you and their son are in bed is over the top.
I fail to understand why this would be a "touchy" subject with your boyfriend. When he became an adult and moved out of his parents' home, surely it had something to do with privacy. It's time you changed the locks on your doors.
Hash this out with a professional mediator if necessary. If you cannot do that, start counting your blessings. Chief among them should be thanking the Lord this woman is not your mother-in-law.