DEAR ABBY: Thirty-two years ago I was seeing two different men. I slept with each of them in the same week and became pregnant. I told them midway through the pregnancy that the baby might be theirs. One ditched me. I never heard from him again. The other is my husband of 31 years. We went on to have two more children. I have suspected all along that my oldest son, "Todd," wasn't my husband's biological child. When Todd was 8, we did a DNA test, and I was right.
Todd was recently married. I asked him several times before the wedding to tell his future wife his birth story. Todd was adamant in his refusal. He has no interest in meeting his biological father or having a relationship with him. My husband is his dad -- period.
I feel guilty for not sharing the truth with Todd's wife when she asks me questions. She knows Todd was born before my husband and I were married. Todd says it's his decision and "it's not a big deal." I disagree. Should I tell her the truth? If I do, I risk upsetting my son and maybe their marriage. They will have kids in the future, and I think she should know. What do you think I should do? -- KNOWS THE WHOLE STORY
DEAR KNOWS: You have advised Todd, and he has refused. Respect his decision. Do NOT go behind his back and divulge this information to his wife or you may damage beyond repair the relationship you have with your son.