DEAR MISS MANNERS: Could you let ladies know how to sit? Especially those on TV who show their legs, some up to their panties, because they cross their legs?
At my school, in England, all the girls were taught to put our knees together. That way, you can sit without showing your panties but still look nice.
GENTLE READER: As prominent ladies are more and more often wearing trousers, this should get to be less of a problem. And the fashion industry keeps announcing that it is bringing back longer skirts -- where else does it have to go? -- but Miss Manners notices that this never seems to happen.
So it might be a good idea to bring back correct posture. It’s not just the peekaboo effect, but the fact that the loosely swinging bare leg is clumsy and distracting. Skirted ladies may properly cross their ankles instead.