DEAR MISS MANNERS: As pastor of a Catholic parish, I often get requests for help, and usually the various organizations in our parish or diocese can reach out to assist the people who come by or call.
Lately, however, I have been receiving emails from people wanting me to publicize GoFundMe accounts for various individuals. We have no way of knowing if these accounts are legitimate, and if we agreed to include one account in our church bulletin, others would want us to include theirs, as well.
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can gently tell these people that we already have systems in place to help those in need, but that GoFundMe is not something we take part in?
GENTLE READER: Taking advantage of your divine intervention for nefarious purposes, Miss Manners has to think, is a special kind of sin. But even if intentions are good, these congregants must recognize that if you cannot do something for everyone, you should not do it for one. In secular terms, it is called policy.