DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I will be visiting London soon, and will see several theatrical productions. One play will feature a famous American actress whom we’ve never met, but who is a friend of a friend.
Our friend suggested we send a note backstage with a greeting. Is it proper to include our own contact information in the note? I don’t want to come across as a Stage Door Johnny.
GENTLE READER: Unless you arrive with a bouquet of flowers so large that you can hardly hold it, along with a foolish, lovelorn facial expression, you are unlikely to be mistaken for a Stage Door Johnny. The note that you give the stage door keeper should explain that your mutual friend urged you to get in touch and declare that the actress’ performance was superb.
You may add your contact information, but the question of meeting is likely to be settled immediately. The actress will either invite you to her dressing room, or voice utter despair that she is too exhausted to have what would have been the great pleasure of meeting you.