DEAR MISS MANNERS: Our local movie theater offers free refills of popcorn and drinks. My family members insist on getting these refills after every movie to take home with them.
As they get their refills, I stand back and feel embarrassed to be in their party, because I believe the refreshments are meant to be enjoyed during the film. I also worry about the already-high concession prices going up if everybody did this.
Are they acting inappropriately, or am I just being too anxious?
GENTLE READER: How very clever of your family members to notice that management did not say the refills were only for consumption on premises. The theater presumably also did not specify that the offer expired after the film, but we all know what they meant.
Miss Manners is confident that prices will continue to go up no matter what your relatives do, but she will think of them the next time she sees a wall of small print at the concessions stand.