DEAR MISS MANNERS: When sitting in an airline seat, you need not ask permission of the person behind you to recline your seat. Once permission to move is granted by the captain, you can recline, if your chair has the ability to do so.
On what planet would you ask someone else (as you have suggested) if you can adjust the seat that you paid to sit in? If engineers and airlines didn’t want the seats to recline, they would remove the option. Get a grip or pass the torch and retire.
GENTLE READER: By all means, blame the airlines. They should not have equipment that can be used to discomfort their passengers.
And Miss Manners would be happy to retire just as soon as you and everyone else learn the basic premise without which civilization does not function: If you treat others callously, you needn’t feel clever for having gotten an advantage, because others will then treat you callously and life will be unpleasant for everyone.
Why should you care about the comfort of the person sitting behind you? Because the person in front of you could just as well lower that seat onto your lap.
Of course, your obliging airline is willing to let you pay even more so that cannot happen. But what if another passenger, having also paid the extra fare, feels entitled to leave the shared bathroom in a disgusting state?
You know, and do not care, that Miss Manners finds your sense of entitlement ugly. But you should also know that it will come back to get you in the long run. (Or perhaps, in the case of an equally entitled fellow passenger, in the short run.)