DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband and I went out to dinner with some of his colleagues the other night, and we had a great time. I was surprised because we hardly ever go out anymore, and the evening often ends up in an argument. None of that happened. I want to say something to my husband about how nice it was, but I'm afraid that I might start an argument if I bring up the difference between this recent evening and what it's usually like. What can I say that would be appropriate? -- Wanting More, Detroit
DEAR WANTING MORE: Let go of your need to compare one activity to another. If you don't hold on to the bad stuff, you create space for it to go away.
Talk to your husband about your great date. Tell him what you enjoyed, especially as it relates to the two of you enjoying each other's company. Suggest that you go out again in the near future. It could be something simple that you both like, such as taking a walk on a brisk fall evening, going out to dinner, attending a sporting event -- whatever you both consider fun. Continue to suggest outlets for mutual enjoyment. That's the key to unlocking your happiness.