DEAR HARRIETTE: I am 23 years old, and I recently moved to the Big Apple with my best friend after college. We've been friends since sophomore year, and we've cultivated a strong relationship -- our families are even close. We both had such busy work schedules at first that we didn't date anyone. After transitioning to New York, the waters have calmed a bit, and my roommate has managed to begin dating now. I had not met the guy yet, but I was happy to see that she was happy. One day, she finally brought him over to the house, but to my surprise, I knew him from college. I met him freshman year, and we once had sexual relations. I don't want to tell her because the situation really meant nothing, but I also don't want her getting attached without me saying something. What should I do? -- Remembering the Past, Brooklyn, New York
DEAR REMEMBERING THE PAST: It is great that you and your college friend have moved together and started your professional life together. It is comforting to launch your lives as adults with friends. Because you two have a shared background -- your college -- you naturally would have shared friends. In this case, unless you had a real relationship with this man, let that experience remain in the past. You may not be proud about your past experience with this person, but if it was truly incidental and is completely over, it should have no relevance now. Of course, you can tell her that you know him, but leave it at that.