DEAR HARRIETTE: One of my old friends just told me that he has moved to Brazil. He went there for vacation a couple of months ago, but he just can't seem to leave. I am so happy for him. He was not working a full-time gig at the time and figured, why not clear his head? He has asked me to join him for a vacation this summer to check it out and either just hang out, or even consider moving there, too. I am pretty much a chicken. I might consider going for vacation, but I don't want to move out of the country. Do you think it's wise for me to go for a visit, considering that I love my life back at home? What should I tell my friend? -- Need a Vacay, Los Angeles
DEAR NEED A VACAY: Your friend had his life's agenda, as you have your own. You should feel perfectly comfortable getting on a plane and heading to Brazil for some much-needed rest and relaxation. Because your friend knows the lay of the land, he will be able to ensure that you both have a fantastic time.
Go with the intention of seeing the country, its people and all of its beauty. Choose to savor each moment and learn about the dynamic cultural treasures that Brazil has to offer. Feel no pressure to move there. If your friend starts pushing, remind him that his dream is different from yours.