DEAR HARRIETTE: My co-worker got way too drunk on a night out with the boys this weekend. He is a new guy who just graduated from college, so we invited him to make some work friends. Apparently, college hasn't left him. He drank all of us under the table.
We don't want to invite him again. He doesn't even remember his embarrassing behavior! We think some mentorship could be offered to him. How do we talk to him about keeping it professional even when we're letting loose? -- Always on the Job, Washington, D.C.
DEAR ALWAYS ON THE JOB: Pull your co-worker aside and ask him if you can give him some feedback. With his permission, tell him highlights of his behavior when you went out drinking. Tell him that in a work situation, it is important to keep your drinking in check because everyone notices what you do, and getting drunk and out of control is not a positive reflection on an employee.
Be honest with this young man. Tell him you want to support him and mentor him if he will welcome that. Tell him that your other co-workers are reluctant to invite him out again because of the way he behaved in the past. Let him share his thoughts and feelings, and do your best to guide him to more responsible action. If you are willing, you really may be able to help him grow.