DEAR HARRIETTE: I hate my birthday. I try to make it a fun event every year, but it ends in either tears or injury for me. This year, I've decided to not celebrate my birthday and spend it alone. I was planning on getting takeout from my favorite restaurant and spending the day with my dog.
I told my friends about how excited I am, and my friends insist on spending the day with me. I just want to be alone, and I think I will have fun this way. I don't want gifts or attention, and I want to tell my friends to leave me alone because they think how I planned my day is "sad." -- Solo Birthday, Minneapolis
DEAR SOLO BIRTHDAY: Your mistake was telling your friends your plan. Naturally, they want to do a group activity, especially since they do not understand or accept your motivation. In order to ward them off, either schedule another date to get together with them so that they are satisfied and don't stage a surprise intervention, or put your foot down, make your plans, lock your door and don't answer. I suggest you do the former. It will allow you more peace of mind to enjoy your solo celebration. Happy birthday!