DEAR HARRIETTE: My mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. I am trying to stay strong for her, but each day it gets harder and harder. My mom and I have always been extremely close, and when she was diagnosed, I absolutely lost it. I can’t imagine losing her; I don’t think I will be able to cope. It scares me to the point where I get sick over the thought of it. My siblings are also devastated by the news, but they don’t seem as upset as me. My mom keeps telling me to go out and do something fun for myself, but I just want to be with her all the time. How am I supposed to do something fun for myself when I know there is a chance I could be losing my mom in a couple of months? -- Depressed Daughter, Minneapolis
DEAR DEPRESSED DAUGHTER: Your mother needs you to get a handle on your emotions. Reality check: Your mother is alive NOW. She needs you NOW. She is fighting for her life NOW. Another reality check: All that is promised to us is the moment we are in -- nothing more. So, rather than becoming incapacitated about what may happen in the future, be fully present now. That means staying attentive to your mother while also paying attention to your own life. Your mother needs space, too. If she is encouraging you to go out and do something fun, the message is for you and for her. She has to deal with what she is facing without worrying about how you are handling it. Make the decision to do all that you can for your mother. This should include taking care of yourself. And invoke grace to help you along the way.