DEAR HARRIETTE: What do you do when you hurt the one you love? I recently had a fight with my partner and lashed out at him in a way that deeply hurt his feelings. I feel incredibly guilty, but I know that won’t do anything to help the situation. What can I do now that I’ve acknowledged that I was wrong and said I’m sorry? He is obviously still very upset. How do I approach him during this time, given that we live together and I’d like to do my best to make him feel better? -- Making Up
DEAR MAKING UP: Sometimes things have to run their course. You may need to give your partner his space for a while. He may need time to get past the sting of the argument and all that occurred in the midst of it.
You can call a “family meeting” and tell him again that you regret the way you handled the argument. Commit -- to the best of your ability -- to keeping the content of arguments specifically to the topic at hand rather than piling on or dredging up old stuff, as that only hurts people and doesn’t help to resolve the issue.