DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend and I got engaged in the same week and chose our 2021 wedding dates one week apart. Once we got hit with COVID, I pushed my date back one year, and my friend got married early in the courthouse. She approached me asking about my wedding date and if I intended on keeping the same date for 2022. She wanted to renew her vows with a full wedding -- no longer on the original date she had chosen, but one week earlier, on my original 2021 date. She asked me only after I told her of the one-year postponement. This began a conflict and was a problem for me. As close friends and each other’s bridesmaids, I would not want us to deliberately get married on the same date, even one year apart. What should I do? -- It’s My Wedding Date
DEAR IT’S MY WEDDING DATE: Now’s the time to put your foot down, especially since your friend wants to claim the date you have reserved, and it is NOT her original wedding date. Be firm that you selected the date and that you want to reserve it as your unique wedding date and anniversary -- not to be shared with her. Suggest that she switch to her anniversary date or some other time.
Hopefully by 2022, COVID-19 won’t remain a threat to society. Just in case, know that many wedding planners are offering video services for couples so that they can marry no matter what.