DEAR HARRIETTE: I am 25 years old, and I just finished my master’s degree. I want to start my own businesses from home. I’ve begun an online closet, and I am studying to receive my real estate license. I still live at home with my family and pay a majority of the bills because I happen to be the biggest breadwinner. Lately, I’ve been feeling congested -- like I don’t have my own workspace to develop. Since quarantine, I do everything within my small bedroom: sleep, relax, work, exercise. I have nowhere else to extend myself. I need a desk with a workspace and a place to keep my store inventory separate. Living in New York City is expensive, and I can’t find anywhere affordable to move. What are my options? -- Living in a Box
DEAR LIVING IN A BOX: Patience is key here. It would be best for you to get one of your businesses off the ground and making money before you take on more debt. Can you give yourself 12 to 18 months to work toward this goal? If you can do that, you will likely have a better chance to make a smooth transition to independence.
You should also look outside of New York City proper for housing that may be more affordable. Consider getting a roommate. I know you share space with your family now, but moving in with a roommate may seem like a luxury compared to your current situation.