DEAR HARRIETTE: I've recently noticed the stark contrast in how people treat you based on how much you weigh. I used to binge eat excessively, then go days without eating due to overwhelming guilt. Despite this habit, I was overweight.
Having shed 89 pounds since then, I now fall into the category of conventionally skinny, and people now call me beautiful. I hardly heard that before. The sudden attention makes me feel uneasy, prompting reflections on the treatment I experienced in the past. While it may sound trivial to some, it's a disheartening realization for me. -- Used To Be the Fat Friend
DEAR USED TO BE THE FAT FRIEND: Sadly, we live in a culture that treats people differently based on their physical sizes. Is it fair? No, but it is true. In recent years, many efforts have been made toward body positivity and size inclusivity. Many fashion companies have expanded their size offerings beyond a 14, and some regularly feature curvy models in their ad campaigns. Efforts are being made to change people’s opinions about fuller-bodied people.
Yet, you are experiencing something that is all too real. Generally, people in this country equate beauty with a slim body. I recently watched “An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution.” Even for her, a rich, internationally revered woman, people regularly body shamed her when she was larger. It affected her self-image and confidence. Yes, all of us can be impacted by the ways others evaluate and judge us. To change that, we must all be kind to everyone and celebrate the beauty and goodness in others as they are.