DEAR HARRIETTE: My sister and I co-manage our family business, a local bakery. We’re clashing over its direction: I prefer to maintain our traditional baking techniques and recipes, which have served us well for years. She wants to import and sell modern, trendy breads from other shops to diversify our offerings. In short, she wants to hop on trends like fast fashion clothing. I’m concerned this could dilute our brand, which is known for its traditional, home-cooked breads that our loyal customers love. Our parents already passed away, so the decision comes from the two of us. How can we find a compromise that respects our brand identity while exploring new opportunities? -- Maintaining Brand
DEAR MAINTAINING BRAND: Talk to your sister about your bakery’s brand identity. What do each of you believe the bakery stands for, and where do you want it to go in the future? Write down key words and thoughts to help you draw out your understanding of its value.
I’m not sure what the fast fashion correlation is to the baking industry, but if your sister can find high-quality baked goods to complement your bakery, that may not be bad. Perhaps she can curate a section of the store with exotic finds while the rest of the bakery is dedicated to the classics your loyal customers know and love. Compromise can be a good thing!