DEAR HARRIETTE: I have recently become part of a new social cooking group, and while I have been enjoying the sense of community and shared passion for food, I have noticed that some members have been sharing my recipes and personal cooking techniques online without my consent, just changing up small details like switching basil leaves to onions. While I appreciate their enthusiasm and excitement about my creations, I value my privacy when it comes to my recipes. I would like to find a way to address this issue with the group without making it a big deal. Women tend to gossip a lot, and I do not want to be labeled harshly. -- Recipe Sharing
DEAR RECIPE SHARING: Now is the time to speak up and be direct about your thoughts. Tell your new friends how much you enjoy cooking with them and learning and growing together. Point out, though, that you noticed that some of them are posting your recipe hacks on social media -- with a twist here and there -- and you do not feel comfortable with that. You thought that this cooking group was a safe space to explore and grow together. But you do not consent to having your recipes appear in a public forum. This could cause a bit of a ripple, but if you don’t say something, you may regret it.
Encourage the group to check in with each other in general before posting recipes unless they are uniquely their own. Consider if you would be up for a cookbook or online cooking forum where you all post your creations. There is a way to remedy this and not completely shut down the draw to post. There need to be boundaries around attribution and permission to post.