DEAR HARRIETTE: Returning to New York City after five years abroad is both exciting and overwhelming. The thought of the logistics -- flights, packing and navigating the city -- makes me anxious, and it’s taking away from the joy of planning my trip. I want to enjoy the experience, but I feel like there’s so much to consider. To ease my anxiety, I plan to break everything down into manageable steps, like booking flights and making a packing list ahead of time. I’ve also realized that anticipating everything can lead to worry, so I’m trying to remind myself that not everything has to be perfect. A few mindfulness practices like deep breathing or taking short breaks could help calm my nerves. Finally, I want to remind myself that this is a fresh start, and embracing the adventure will help me get through the overwhelming moments. How can I shift my focus to the excitement of returning to NYC and starting anew? -- Travel Anxiety
DEAR TRAVEL ANXIETY: Give yourself some grace. Step one is to make sure that you leave no loose ends as you move your life from abroad to back home. That should be your focus, and it sounds like it is. Your plan is strategic and manageable. Be proud of that. Also, take the time to get together with people you have grown to care for so that you say farewell in meaningful ways.
As you pivot, reach out to a few friends from home and set up get-togethers so you don’t feel isolated after you return to the city. Don’t overload your calendar. You will likely be tired when you get home and need space to acclimate. Continue to practice your mindfulness exercises, and be sure to take in your surroundings. You have plenty of time to get excited about NYC. It’s the nature of the town!