DEAR HARRIETTE: I had a hot-and-heavy romance with a man earlier this year, and then it just went cold. We were totally into each other until he stopped being kind. At first, this strong man actually seemed sweet, or at least sweet on me, but then something changed. I’m not sure what happened, but I haven’t been able to get him to talk to me about it at all. I’ve tried to do things that would reignite the spark we had, but now I feel stupid for trying so hard. These days we talk only if I call him and maybe lure him over with a meal or a present. Pathetic, right? But I’m finding it hard to let go. What should I do? It’s like he got my heart, but then he discarded it. -- Brokenhearted
DEAR BROKENHEARTED: Take a deep breath. Assess the situation as objectively as you can. From what you have described, it seems as though you had an exciting love affair that ran its course. By your account, it is over. Now you have to accept that. No matter how good it was, if he is not behaving in an attentive, loving, reciprocal manner anymore, he is not worth your time. You absolutely should not have to bribe him with gifts in order to get him to pay attention to you. Walk away. If he tries to come back, let your expectations for a relationship be known.