DEAR HARRIETTE: My best friend and I have been close since high school; however, recently it feels like she’s started to ghost me. She doesn’t answer my calls anymore, and when she does respond to my texts, her replies are short and vague, as if she doesn’t really want to talk to me. We live in different states now, which makes it harder to stay connected. I can’t just drop by to check on her, and that distance makes this situation even more painful. The last time we talked in person, she seemed to be in good spirits, but she did open up about struggling with her mental health. I told her I was there for her no matter what, but now I’m wondering if I did or said something wrong, or if she’s pulling away because she’s dealing with things I don’t fully understand.
I miss her so much, and I hate feeling like our friendship is slipping away. At the same time, I don’t want to pressure her if she’s going through something tough. I just don’t know how to reach out in a way that shows I care without making her feel overwhelmed. Should I give her space and wait for her to come to me, or should I keep trying to reach out and let her know I’m here? -- Besties
DEAR BESTIES: Write your friend a letter and tell her how much you miss her. Tell her you don’t want to lose your close bond even though you no longer live in the same town. Add that you hope that if she needs anything, she will reach out to you or to someone else. Remind her that she is not alone.