DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m in a difficult situation with one of my friends, and I don’t know how to handle it. Recently, they cheated on a school exam and got caught. To my surprise, my friend is now accusing me of being involved even though I worked hard and studied diligently for the test. I’ve always prided myself on putting in the effort, staying up late and doing everything I can to achieve good results honestly. But now, because of my friend’s actions, I’m being dragged into a situation I had no part in.
It hurts that my hard work and dedication are being questioned, and even worse, that my friend is trying to shift the blame onto me. I’ve tried to stand my ground and make it clear that I had nothing to do with their cheating, but I’m still feeling the weight of their accusation. I’ve always valued honesty, and it’s frustrating to be linked to something that goes against everything I believe in. -- False Accusations
DEAR FALSE ACCUSATIONS: To clear your name, go to the school authorities and plead your case. Be detailed in describing how you approached the exam. Offer to take it again or to take another exam to prove your knowledge. Admit that the person in question is your friend, but stand fast in declaring that you did not have any knowledge of their cheating. Assure the school leadership that you had nothing to do with this, nor are you comfortable with it now.